How to Manage the Bill of Materials throughout a Product Life Cycle?

Johan Smith
3 min readMay 27, 2021


What is a BOM System (Bill of Material System)?

A Bill of material system or BOM is a standard protocol that governs the product life cycle from its development planning, manufacturing, storage as inventory, disposal in the market, and deployment at the customer’s site. The basic feature of a BOM is to list down all the requirements regarding a product domain relating to all its developmental phases. It helps in meeting the goals that are essential for developing and selling a successful product.

There are varieties of BOM systems available in the market to choose from for meeting the product life cycle needs of a company. MWI Solutions do offer modern BOM systems solutions to cater to all the needs of a business to deal with the whole logistics supply chain process. MWI provides both major types of BOM integrated so that they can work as a single unit to improve the overall functionality and maximize productivity.

Importance of BOM

  • Brand Consistency

A BOM lets the company keep its name and brand consistency up in the market. It helps to maintain the standard and to optimize the product life cycle to make it consistent and of similar standard quality.

  • Product Reliability

To meet the product’s quality and reliability standards, a BOM system plays a vital role. It regulates the whole product life cycle to ensure the reliability of the product and increase it eventually.

  • Quality Control

Quality control and quality check both important tasks that are carried out via using a bill of a material handling system. A well-versed BOM system does possess a wholly separate and dedicated module for the quality assurance purpose for not only the products but the complete development life cycle.

  • Customer Commitments

A BOM system enables the manufacturers to keep an eye on the customer’s needs and market trends at the same time. It helps to improvise the product development according to the needs of the customers.

  • Regulatory and Compliance

BOM system helps to regulate the whole product life cycle and all the interrelated processes that are being carried out. It ensures the market standard and following of the ISO standard and other authority rules and law e.g. environment etc.

Types of BOM

  • EBOM ( Engineering Bill of Material )

It describes a product and its requirement based on the engineering principle using engineering-related measures and software like CAD. The design of the product is usually initialized on computer-aided design software. It is easy to design and alter changes to those virtual designs of a product before actually manufacturing them. It helps in a lot of cost-cutting and time saving.

  • MBOM (Manufacturing Bill of Material)

It is a kind of final approval system that coordinates and testifies the design and whole architecture of the product development life cycle being made by an EBOM. It also caters to the marketing and shipment requirement of the product at disposal after development. It focuses on various modules of a complete product life cycle and ensures proper management of every attribute relating to the product life cycle.



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